Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 2 - Monday, August 3

Another beautiful day and we made it to the Yukon! We left Smithers at 9am heading north on the Highway 37. It's a very empty road, with maybe 5 towns on its 800 kilometres. In each town, we saw literally 10 buildings. But the scenery was fantastic and diverse! Mountains, big trees, small ones, lakes and rivers. For most of the time it felt like we were the owners of the road, since it was very rare to see a car around. And better, no police!

We also could see some animals, like moose and a bear family. So cute!!!!! The road conditions were fine in the first half, but potholes, loose gravel, no lines were a constant during most of the second half of the drive.

The bad thing here is the air because of the forest fires. We can't see them, but the haze and smell are always around.

We hit the Yukon at 6:30pm. Exciting!!! But still empty. I kind of miss seeing people. We thought we could make it to Whitehorse today, but decided to stop in Teslin (at 9pm), 1hour and 45 minutes away from the capital. This place is incredibly beautiful with it's lake and is home for 480 people. Again, few buildings in this one street town. We could get some pamphlets of the Yukon and Alaska. Man, it's going to be even nicer up there. Can't wait!!!!!

Enjoy the photos and if you have time, please leave us your comment. It's nice to talk to somebody else than my husband... ahahahahahahaha

Day 2 balance

Hours driving: 12
Kms: 1150
From to: Smithers, BC to Teslin, YK
Animals: 1 moose (see video), 3 black bears (a mommy and 2 babies) and we also saw 3 moose crossing the road, but they were too fast for a picture! It's the first time I see a moose in the natural habitat!
Characters: we saw this man walking in a THONG in the first evening and we run into him today again. So, we pulled the car over and asked him if we was campaigning for anything. He said no, and that he was just exercising. With a thong? (see photo)


  1. Paisagens deslumbrantes, mas, imagino como com seriam divinas com neve!!!
    Pelo menos agora tem os bichinhos para a gente ver (até os ursos do "doutor", eh eh eh)

    Muito sexy a sunga desse cara...

    Continuem deslumbrando esta aventura "Into the Wild". Beijinhos. Juca

  2. Obrigada Juju!
    Isso eh demais mesmo!!!!

  3. Now I know where you are at least, didn't hear anything from you guys for a while.
    I'm traveling with you and I'm having a lot of fun, it looks like an amazing adventure!
    Love Rosa

  4. That was me.. forgot to put my name in. :)
