Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 15 - Sunday, August 16

I started the day badly with my first speeding ticket ever in Canada. I have been driving here for 10 years and had never been pulled over by a cop! It happened in Taber, Alberta, urrrgggghhh… I was 93 in a 50 km zone. I know… shame on me! But I can (try to) explain. I was going slowly for most of the highway that crosses the town. But it was Sunday, before 8 in the morning and there was no car on the road. So, by the end of the town, I decided to go “a bit faster” and the police officer – a woman who was probably there just for me – didn’t give me any break. Damage: $325. Oh well, I deserved it! It sucks but it works, because I was on cruise control on the speed limit for the rest of the day and probably will never speed again (I hope cops are reading this blog!!!).

Going on the speed limits through the prairies???? Boring!!!!!!We stopped outside of Regina for lunch at 3pm.

Today I started collecting material for my road stories for Radio Canada International. Hopefully they will be about interesting things on the way from Calgary to Toronto. The highlight, so far, was an interview I did with two boys who are cycling from Vancouver Island all the way to Nova Scotia. Literally, from coast to coast. They have been on the road for 21 days already and plan to get in the East coast “before the snow”. Good luck to them!

This is for my friend Derry Ashcroft (from City TV Calgary). Birtle, Manitoba, is the centre of the universe, at least for him. I needed to take this photo to prove that Birtle really exists. Unfortunately I didn't have a chance to visit the town, but I think Derry will appreciate this photo!

We arrived in Winnipeg at 9pm and after dinner went straight to see Fernanda, our Brazilian friend at the hospital she works as a nurse. It was very nice to see her for one hour. I admire Fe a lot. She is a very strong and determinate woman. She has accomplished a lot here in Canada and now she is probably going back to Brazil to be with her – equally nice – husband Tom. Great people! Fe was working over night but was really kind and lend us her apartment for us to spend the night.

Day 15 balance
Hours: 13
From to: Lethbridge, AB to Winnipeg, Manitoba
Bad news: a $325 speeding ticket
God news: seing Fe
Hotel: Fe's beautiful and cozy apartment


  1. Hey Gabi!

    Hahaha! that sucks about the speeding ticket! Damn lady cops, they are such hard-asses! haha! I can't believe your trip is almost over!! :(

    Love Jess!

  2. Oi Gabi

    Estou adorando ler suas aventuras. Agora vc já deve ter material pra fazer um documentário hein?

    Boa sorte pra vcs em Toronto!


    Laura, from Cowtown
