Friday, February 5, 2010

Orientation day!

If you are reading this blog looking for some crazy excitement, come back on Monday. Our exercise doesn't start until then, and I am not even sure if I will have time to blog. I heard once the "real stuff" starts, we will get pretty busy. But it doesn't mean we are just sitting around, doing nothing. Our day started at 6am - the time when most of the people wake up around here - and after breakfast, we began a day of orientation in a classroom that ended after 8pm, with a very interesting safety briefing, about this place and the dangers that we might encounter when we are out there training. Nothing too serious, but it was good to remind us to not be stupid around here and to be careful.

PHOTOS: (On the top)
Our day starting in the Training Centre. Beautiful sunrise!

This next photo shows the kind of food we had: bagel sandwich with cold meat and cheese for lunch. Some people preferred to eat in one of the restaurants around, but you have to pay for it. Dinner was amazing, though: steak! And for breakfast we had the traditional bacon and eggs, with toast, beans and potatoes.

The last photos are from our quarters, outside and inside. There is my room, with a very comfortable bed.


I feel a bit overwhelmed with all the military terms, rules and other information. For someone who's never done anything like this, it can be a bit too much. But it is amazing how quickly you learn things, and in a couple of more days I will be talking like them, I hope!

There is not too much time to take photos or access a computer, but here are some images of life at the Training Centre.


  1. O que? Você está aqui pertinho? A GENTE TEM QUE SE VER!

  2. Oi, Gabita,
    Tem de dar um jeito de continuar contando a sua aventura pra gente, hein?
    Já acordo e vou direto ver o próximo capítulo!
